
The P4

Common Challenges

Keywords: problems in schools and solutions (170, Low), educational problems and solutions (140, Low), digital solutions for education (40, Low), solutions for schools (10, Low), services for schools (10, Low)

Post-pandemic challenges in the management of educational institutions have created an urgency to change the way we administer them and implement digital solutions in education.

It is evident that schools are not ready to combat the post-pandemic academic or administrative difficulties where hybrid schooling and digitization have become the new normal. All levels of schooling have been deeply affected by the limitations of a traditional schooling model.

Therefore, in this blog, we try to discuss in brief some of the common educational problems and solutions that can facilitate effective school management.

Problems in Schools and Solutions

Traditional school management solutions drain a lot of resources along with being exhausting and time-consuming. They lengthen the processing time for implementing new changes and are sometimes inflexible to accommodate changes in favour of students, staff or the management.

Some of the common problems in school management and their solutions are:

1.    Lack of Digitization

One of the most common problems faced in every sphere of school management is the lack of digitization. From admissions to teaching and from enrolment to management schools lack the digital infrastructure that can abet a seamless experience for their students, staff and other stakeholders.

Solution: The school administrative, managerial and academic staff are required to find out ways through which they can incorporate digitization and promote digital solutions for education in their school campus. Additionally, efforts can be made to gradually shift paper-based processes like attendance, admission, fees payment, student registration and many others online that can provide transparency, accountability, and ease of operations.

2.    Classroom Management

Schools with a traditional school management model often find it difficult to achieve their learning outcomes in the classroom.

Common classroom challenges like handling tardy students, indiscipline, behaviour issues, incompetence and noncooperation of the students can adversely affect the classroom environment.

Solution: Maintaining discipline is essential for teachers and students in any learning environment. Classroom management solutions for schools include the development of a school ERP discipline module, introduce discipline tracking measures and a behaviour management system that can help in maintaining disciplinary actions in the classroom and the school.

3.    Student Activity Monitoring

A school’s management team and teachers often find it difficult to monitor and manage various student activities like attendance, assignments, disciplines, leave records, progress records, and many more.

Primary reasons for this can be the absence of results-driven supervision tools and a student data system that delivers real-time status updates of student activities in alignment with learning needs.

Solution: There are various result-oriented monitoring tools available as solutions for schools in the market that can help in monitoring student activities. Also, some supporting measures like automating and streamlining student attendance, deploying a student data system and many other digital methods can be implemented that can easily assist in student monitoring and deliver real-time updates.

4.    Communication

One of the grave issues in school management is the absence of proper channels of communication that can promote a smooth flow of communication among the stakeholders. Apparently, there lies no platform that can provide seamless communication between students, members of staff, teachers, and other members of the management for coordination in academic activities.

Solution: Various services for schools are available in this regard. One of them is an inbuilt messaging system that provides a platform for communication and encourages strong internal communication between all stakeholders.

Using this system parents can be informed regarding the student’s development and private communication within parents, students, teachers, and other members of the management can also be easily facilitated.

5.    Forecasting Academic Progress

Academics is one of the primary reasons students are sent to school. However, due to traditional management methods, there are various delays in taking decisions, analysing, and grading a student’s academic progress.

These delays complicate making predictions in student outcomes and make it tough for schools to spot students at risk, take decisions for improvement in weaker students and provide the necessary assistance by deploying resources to increase student achievements.

Solution: The simple solution here can be data analytics, an effective way of keeping track of student progress, supervising students in need and providing additional resources to intelligent students. Additionally, employing tools like dashboard reports, and intelligence analytics can also prove to be useful for educators.

These tools make complicated tasks like recording attendance, grading assignments, conducting online classes, marking test papers extremely simple as all data regarding the students can be made available on a single platform that can simplify predicting student outcomes.


Educational problems and solutions are a constantly evolving phenomenon in the 21st Century. With changing times, especially after the pandemic the way we run educational institutions like schools also needs to change.

A reputed name in providing digital solutions for education is the P4. The P4 stands for Product, Process, People and Promote. We provide end-to-end school management solutions that can promote seamless school administration for all stakeholders.

To re-invent your school through our proven four-step process, get in touch with our experts who will provide a demonstration of how the P4 will truly revolutionize your school management system!

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