
The P4

National Education Policy 2020

National Education Policy is introduced to bring grassroot changes in the Indian education system. Read below to find out how The P4 make your school compliant with NEP standards.

Be a part of change…

The National Education Policy was introduced in 2020 to change how education is imparted in India. One of the core features of this education policy is to provide education based on Indian culture and values to our students and make India one of the leading knowledge powers in the world.

Nieev and Nirman

These are two signature products launched by The P4 in compliance with the National Education Policy.

Neeiv caters to foundational years (Pre Primary, Class 1, and Class 2). Whereas Nirman focuses on the preparatory years (Class 3 to Class 5).
The curriculum will be delivered through specially-developed kits to the students, teachers, parents, and school to enable active participation from all stakeholders involved in school management.

Highlights of our Nieev and Nirman curriculum…

Develop your students through Nieev and Nirman as per the National Education Policy guidelines.