
The P4

Start your journey from becoming a teacher to a superteacher.

Teachers are at the core of managing any The P4-powered school. 

Challenges Teachers Face Every Day

Making a teacher the best in the world

Results-driven teaching strategies that empower teachers and students

Softskill Training

Teachers at The P4 partner schools get more opportunities for their overall development. These skills not only assist you in teaching but also in managing your life.

Personality Development

Teachers are the role models of the students. Your personality inspires generations to come, and we truly care about the development of your personality.

Lesson tracking

Tracking lessons is now easier than ever! Just login to your school ERP or The P4 mobile application, and you can access all student submissions.

Hear from our teachers

Children at school powered with The P4 receive education that provides an international outlook and broadens their horizons.

We do not limit our students to the four walls of the classroom. We prepare them for the future and assist them in excelling in their endeavors.

Saluting India’s teachers

Our teachers are the creators of tomorrow’s India. That is why The P4 celebrates the contribution of all teachers in making India tomorrow’s superpower and a world leader. You lead by example, and you inspire India’s future.

Teacher Training Initiatives

Teacher's Training in the School:

In the education system, teachers are the most crucial pillars. A good teacher is very much important in the student’s growth and development. Rather than focusing only on the classroom performance of teachers, we need to equally focus on the overall development of a teacher for greater good.

Teachers’ training is needed to help to create new teaching strategies and continue upskilling the teachers. Teacher’s training is never ending process which enhances the teacher’s performance, develops newer proficiency, and assists in the student’s learning process. We at The P4 have various teacher training opportunities that enhances the performance of teachers.

Challenges Teachers Face Every Day

How The P4's intervention will fulfill the gap?

Academic training

Teachers get training from academic trainers. Academic subject-specific training is mainly graded level based. There is a special focus on literacy and numeracy in early childhood education and elementary coursework here at The P4. In middle or secondary, teachers will get intensive training, which will help teachers in classroom management. Ultimately, your performance as a teacher will be enhanced with the introduction of The P4 in your school.

Teacher Upskilling

Upskilling of teachers to boost competency and consequently keep upgrading teachers with changing times. Soft skill training is vital for teachers to have good leadership, communication, and teamwork skills, which is the core focus of our teacher upskilling programs.

Building network

Teachers can connect with other faculties from the vast network of The P4 powered schools in India, which assists them in learning and seeking guidance from each other.

Personality Development

We at The P4 believe that teachers are the role models for students which is why the personality development of teachers is at the core of our philosophy.

The P4 Academy

Teachers of a school powered by The P4 will have access to The P4 academy, where they can take online courses and receive expert guidance through various video lectures. Moreover, they can network with other teachers of The P4’s partner schools to broaden their vision of their subject. The P4 Academy is a Learning Management System (LMS) designed specially for teachers. We also provide certifications, rewards, and prizes for our teachers. You can track all your learnings through a mobile application and an online portal. 

Develop your skills as a teacher in the comfort of your home with The P4 academy.

Looking for a teaching opportunity at a world-class school powered by The P4?